Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tracking points with WW

So with the new year, I need to do a much better job of tracking my points with Weight Watchers.  In addition, I need to actually start working out instead of just thinking about it.  I've got a goal to work towards.  My in-laws are taking my husband, sister-in-law, her husband, my baby niece and themselves on a vacation June 9th-16th to Myrtle Beach.  The last time I was actually in a bathing suit was back during my senior year of college and I think it's time to work towards fitting into one again.  That's not to say I couldn't fit into one now, but I sure wouldn't look decent in it!  So I tracked my points for today and stayed on target.  My current points goal is 30 a day with an extra 49 for the week.  As I write this, I'm sitting at 28 for Wednesday.  I'm going to do my best to not use up those 49 each week because that will help me out even more.  Also, with WW, you get extra points for doing exercise/activities.  I'm going to try to avoid tapping into those points as well.  I'll weigh myself in the morning since I've been up eating and drinking for the last 15 hours or so.  My points target could also change then depending on whether my weight goes up or down from the last time I weighed myself.  

I think that there will be a few difficult things for me to get used to.  First off, is doing the exercise.  I'm so out of shape right now that it's not the least bit funny.  So I'm thinking I'll start with the walk at home DVDs that I have.  I sure don't want to be out walking with the temperatures what they are and with the snow on the ground!  The next hard thing for me will be weaning myself off of the sugary foods.  I like chocolate and I love Haribo gummy bears.  I'm not really a big fan of dark chocolate but I know if I'm going to eat chocolate, then that's the way to go.  I'm also going to have to work on making separate meals for myself so that I don't consume as much butter and other fats.  I'm going to get back into the habit of eating yogurt twice a day- once for breakfast and once for my break at work.  Oh, and I've got to find some juice that won't put such a dent into my points each day.  I love fruit juice but with all the added sugars, it really adds on the points.  

So at this point, I've covered two of my three main blog topics.  You got a peek at my "needle" earlier with my video post about my quilt.  And then this post definitely touched on my "spoon".  Maybe when I get up tomorrow, I'll see about doing a post about one of my paper crafts to cover the "stamp" aspect.  Guess you'll just have to tune in to find out!  :) 

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