Wednesday, January 4, 2012

An Introduction....

So, honestly I'm going to cheat just a little bit here.  I had originally started my blog over on another website and I wasn't happy with the idea of having to pay extra for certain things (like posting a video directly to my blog without having to go through YouTube).  So I made the decision to jump on over here to Blogger and in the process I've also decided that I don't particularly want to rewrite my introduction so I'm simply going to employ that useful little tool known as 'copy/paste'.  Without further ado... my introduction.

A brief look into what I hope you’ll be able to find here on my blog. As most of my friends know, I like to do a little bit of crafting every now and then. Okay, maybe a lot of crafting. Papercrafting, sewing, painting, etc. I love to create. There’s very little that makes me as happy as I am when I’ve got ink all over my fingers and a new project sitting in front of me. It probably wasn’t the greatest idea for me to get a job working at Jo-Ann Fabrics, but I like my job there. It gives me an opportunity to help other people with their projects. Of course working there means two things- that I always see a fabric or paper that I want and that I always have a million and one ideas floating around in my head. So, after all of that, you can expect to see some posts on here about my crafts. Sometimes I’ll just post a picture of a project that you can pick up in my store (which will be open soon). Sometimes I might post a DIY so you can have some fun. Or maybe I’ll post a technique or two. We’ll see!

I also love to cook and bake. But more cooking than baking which is kind of funny since I’ve been doing a lot of the baking lately. I also joined Weight Watchers back on Sept. 13th (my 29th birthday). My first WW goal was to lose thirteen pounds. I’m halfway there. It’s been hard and kind of frustrating because sometimes all I want is a candy bar or a few slices of pizza and I know that it’s not good for me. So my diet is slowly changing and I’m discovering new foods/recipes along the way. My end goal is to lose almost 100 pounds. I’d like to be at least halfway there by my 30th birthday. I’ve also got a few friends with dietary restrictions (such as needing to eat gluten-free). So you should expect to see some recipes on here and some adventures in the kitchen. I’ll post about things that I like and interesting recipes that I find. I’ll also try to make a note if a recipe is gluten-free.

You might also find me posting about just random, silly stuff. Or maybe posting about something- like an image or poem- that’s inspired me. I hope at some point to have a few contests, particularly when it comes to crafts. Maybe I’ll post a picture and ask you to create something inspired by it. Or how about a card sketch every once in a while. Or I might just have a fun giveaway just for the heck of it. I can promise you one thing, any contest or giveaway that I have will have a completely random winner. 

Now that’s quite a bit for my first post! Please follow me and enjoy the journey we take together in crafting, the kitchen and life.

1 comment:

  1. Love the video! I really like the new template for your blog. I can't wait to read more!
