Monday, January 9, 2012


For those of you who don't know me that well, I love to read.  I've been reading since I was a wee one (said of course in an Irish accent).  Seriously though I think I got my first library card when I was around 4 or 5 years old (Mom, you want to chime in on that?).  I've always seen reading a new book (or rereading a favorite book) as a way to see into another world.  My current reading selection is by my all-time favorite author Anne McCaffrey.  She just passed away on November 21, 2011 at the respectable age of 85.  I've been aiming to get my box of books out of storage since then so I could read the "Dragons of Pern" series all over again.  Even if you aren't a fan of fantasy books, I highly recommend that you take the time to pick up a couple of these.  You can start with the first one she wrote "Dragonflight" published back in 1968 or you can start with the chronologically first book "Dragonsdawn" published in 1988.  I'm not including short stories or novellas just the actual full length novels.  

So this brings me to my new challenge.  I've joined up on a site called Fifty.Fifty.Me.  It's a year long challenge to read 50 new books and watch 50 new movies in 2012.  Rereading books and rewatching movies doesn't count towards the final total.  Each time I watch or read something new, I'll write a little blog post about it.  I encourage you to challenge yourself and join in.  You don't have to keep a blog.  Also feel free to comment on my blog posts whether or not you've joined in to read and watch in 2012.


  1. Oh Anne... I need to do a re-read of her stuff too! Thanks for joining fiftyfifty!

  2. Carol, You were two and a half when you got your first library card. The librarians thought I was crazy but you were going to story time and Mary was six months old. You got mad a me for having my card and wanted one of your own. I think the first time you used it, you picked out ten books but we narrowed the choice to three-- all you could carry at the time.I had to sit you on the counter at the library so the librarian could see you. I remember one book you picked out was an oversized picture book half your height and you almost fell trying to carry it to the counter. Need less to say I carried that book out that day. You would lay on your bed with Mary beside you 'reading' to her. The words were your own story, but that didn't to either of you.

  3. I love Anne McCaffrey.....own every book in hardback. Even the recipe books and romances. Really gonna miss her. Very sad.
