Monday, January 9, 2012

Quick update...

Just a quick update on my WW.  I haven't started to work out yet but I swear I will soon!   Having said that, I did my weigh in today and I've lost another pound since last Wednesday.  That's a total of 11.4 pounds since the middle of Sept.  I don't think that's too horrible since I wasn't tracking much for a good bit of Oct., Nov., and Dec.  I was still watching what I ate but I honestly still expected to gain weight during that time.  At this time I'm 1.9 pounds away from the first goal that WW set for me online.  My personal goal however is to lose at least 1.5 pounds a week until that vacation in June.  If I do that, I'll have dropped (roughly) 30 more pounds for the beach.  I'm also going to get my husband to help me take measurements of my body like my chest, waist, hips, thighs, etc.  I've read on multiple occasions that when you're working out and eating to lose weight that much of the time you'll see a difference in your measurements when you aren't see a difference in your weight change.  I don't think that it's a matter of "muscle weighs more than fat" because a pound is a pound.  I do think it's a matter that one pound of muscle is more compact than one pound of fat so you may weigh the same but look better.   I'm going to sign off now and figure out what to have for dinner.  

1 comment:

  1. That is definitely true about the measurements. At times you might not show any on the scale but will lose inches. :) Nice job with the 11.4lbs! Good Luck!
